Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unwanted solar power?

Another issue that does not seem to come as a surprise. This article is about the USA. I don't know how it is in Canada but I can't imagine it being one smooth process that is applied country-wide. So often every province does its own thing (think alone of taxes!) they probably will not join forces to help renewable energies get an easier foothold in the market. 

The article points out that the cost of installing a solar power system for a residential home could be considerably lowered if a state-wide (not even country-wide!) permit process was applied. But because every locality has its own rules & fees the environmentally-concerned user-to-be of solar power has to spend a lot more money than elsewhere, such as in Germany where there's only one process for the whole country, to get the same job done.     Too bad really!

Here's the link:

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