Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just another "superfood"

I really dislike these articles about all those foods that shrink your waist line, weight etc. (simply eat less if you are too fat) but I read the beginning of this one Lentils can help lose your belly fat because I love lentils and of course I have them in my cupboard, the organic option from a farm in Saskatchewan. Recently I chatted with a friend about dinners. She has 3 male at home (2 sons & 1 hubby) who love meat of course and aren't much into "experiments" when it comes to what they eat. In comparison I have a male at home who eats almost anything that I serve even if it is not a dish from a recipe but a mere creation out of the fridge's contents. So she was wondering if I often cook lentil dishes and I opened my cupboard and said "well, there's rice, pasta, barley, quinoa, green lentils, red lentils, couscous, buckwheat, .." I suppose we eat lentils frequently but surely not more than once a week because we have other options. She went home and decided to try a lentil dish for her lot - it went down okay. 

The above article states that Canada is the world's largest exporter of lentils - so we even eat local food! It also states that lentils are not very appreciated in Canada - no, because fries & burger have taken over everywhere and with regards to Alberta there's a strong cattle industry that  produces yummy, affordable (the non- organic version) beef. Lentils with beef in a stew should work though. I don't even understand when people eat a lot of processed and fast food. In Jasper we ate out for dinner, once pizza, once at Smitty's and three times at the Japanese place. After the pizza and Smitty's I thought I can't survive on this food all week - too fatty and too salty. So we went for Sushi, Udon noodles and other yummy and healthy options instead.

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