Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The oil is slippery out there

Reading the news these days is like wow! ten times over. WikiLeaks WikiLeaks reveals imminent Saudi oil peak tells us that peak oil is happening right now in Saudi Arabia and that the country can't help much longer meet the international demand of oil so oil prices will go up more rather than down. Forever? 
Alberta is still going strong on expanding oil sands production but because it's supposed to be "greener" and "ethical" Alberta committed to "greener" oil the Alberta government had a committee set up to look into recent studies of oil sands related environmental and health issues Alberta oilsands committee calls for more rigorous monitoring . The committee found it's time to monitor these impacts more vigorously. But it's not clear to me how they want to go about it and what the actions will be if their findings are not as positive as expected, especially since the government has not put aside money for this purpose in their brand new budget. I call it a bluff, lots of talking, for sure no actions soon. In the meantime the Alberta government fast-tracks the development of a new neighbourhood  in Fort McMurray since with the increase of the oil production more workers are needed and they need to live somewhere Crown Land for sale in Fort McMurray. Proving the short-sightedness of our provincial government is the fact that it can't be bothered to get money off the oil companies now in order to ensure the reclamation of the destroyed land in the future Alberta NDP raises concern about proposed land reclamation program. It seems that this government is incapable of dealing with pressing issues, or simply does not care. Let somebody else deal with it when it's even more urgent. To wait and ask for money when the operation of an oilsands mine comes to an end is plain stupid to me, because it only suits the oil company, definitely not Albertans who will have to shell out the money if the oil company fails to do so. Instead the government should get the money now and invests it in a smart way, but hang on, they are probably not even capable of doing that. After all they are spending money from the Heritage fund now to get through the recession while maintaining the lowest taxes in Canada. The Heritage Fund has been accumulated during the boom to help out with bottle necks in the budget during bad years. Do they really think it's that bad already? Oh suck it up, get the taxes up and keep that fund for the really bad times to come, climate change is not going to stop. Sure, it is meant to hit the countries that contribute little to the cause the hardest and those who contribute lots (hi, North America) not so much. Climate change to have greatest impact on those least responsible   But Canada will look like a moon like landscape even without climate change if oilsands, gas and other mining operations continue big time.

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