Wednesday, December 15, 2010

persistence or perseverance ...

I don't know the difference but it pays out. I have tried to get a BecoPotty for Ruby for 3 months or so. It's a UK manufacturer,, but they changed their Canadian distributor recently and this one seems somewhat incompetent. They finally promised me my local baby store,, will have them by the beginning of next week. PLEASE! BecoPotties are made of waste plant material and will biodegrade once you dig a hole for them in your garden. Great!  That's the only damn potty I want for my baby. This Birth Source store also has now disposable diapers in stock that will decompose. Since a box of 28 in Ruby's size costs $23 I opted for a Bummi diaper cover for $15 instead. The issue is that in the snuggly (carrier) Ruby's current diaper covers leak, Bummi does not, at least not today. If Bummi keeps it up I will not need any disposable diapers any more. Hurray! The diaper boxes are really sturdy though and come in handy now that we need to hide more and more things from Ruby. Oh well, I'll find some alternative that's not plastic or course. 
       I have recently also reused Ruby's bath water. She's got a little bath tub and in winter we bath her once a week or so. She does not really get dirty. Her bottom and face get washed several times a day, that's most important. So the bath water comes in handy too. I soak my jacket or one of her sleeping bags in it over night, with a little Borax added, scrub if in the morning and voila it's done. The other day I then used the water to wash the floor in the hallway. Perfect. 


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