Friday, April 6, 2012

Do you have native plants in your garden?

The other weekend I attended a workshop hosted by the city of Kitchener and Evergreen about native plants for gardening. I don't have a garden but I am very interested. So the dozen people or so that came heard about weeds, noxious weeds, invasive species, non-invasice, native and non-native species. Evergreen has actually compiled a list that gives people a native, non-invasive equivalent for common introduced plants that are put into gardens here. Shockingly, they end up there because garden centres sell them. Why not, if there's demand for it, it makes money, right. Without a garden I almost never go to a garden centre so this note came as a shock to me even though it may seem obvious to you. So, unless people investigate for themselves I'd assume they would not even be told at the garden centre that "this beautiful plant will spread quickly and once covering your garden will expand into nearby properties including woods and parks." Not so great. 
If I ever get the pleasure of tending to a garden I shall pay much attention to what I plant there!     

Here's the link to Evergreens details on native plants. Hope you care!

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