Friday, February 10, 2012

Nestlé Chair Brabeck-Letmathe doesn’t deserve an honorary degree

Another email I received that makes me shake my head as usual at the stupidity shown. You wonder who comes up with this BS. What does this man get a degree for? For setting bad examples!! Once a water market anywhere in Canada is privatised it will set the path for more of such privatisations and soon we compete with big, rich (because they don't pay taxes) corporations over our daily water! Once water prices explode it will surely stop people from wasting water but it will also cut us off from one of our most basic needs - no water, no life.  But hey, I just had an idea: If you work for one of those corporations who want to buy water rights and profit big from what comes out of your tap, go to work with as many barrels as you can fit into your car (for once it will come in handy if you still drive a big one) and fill them up with water at work and then distribute in your neighbourhood. Want to see the look in your employer's face. 

There's a link, it's in your hand too:

Dear supporters of Our Water Is Not For Sale,

Please take a few minutes for this important action alert from the Council of Canadians: “Tell the U of A that Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck-Letmathe doesn’t deserve an honorary degree.”
The University  of Alberta has announced that on March 1, 2012 it will award an honouary degree to Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the Chair of Nestle, the world’s largest multinational food and water corporation and the largest bottled water corporation in the world.
Nestle has been a leading force in pushing the privatization and commodification of water globally. They have also been pushing water markets in Alberta. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe has bragged that Nestle is “actively dealing with the government of Alberta to think about a water exchange.” His comments come at a time when our network and many Albertans have been raising concerns about the serious problems with water markets and pushing for the government to consult with Albertans.
Please click here for the full action alert with more information. Or use the Council’s online form to email the University.

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