K-W has started a green bin system for compostable garbage. Unfortunately apartment buildings are excluded so far. We have recycled bins for corrugated cardboard, paper, plastics/ metals/ juice boxes etc. and the standard garbage container. The recycling bins regularly flow over on the weekend before pick-up day on Monday. I don't think that supports people with the recycling because in the end you are just going to throw everything in the garbage container. I would like the compost bin jsut because I decided not to have a worm composter in our apartment, or in the summer on the balcony. Our child is far to inquisitive and I don't want worms and compost all over my apartment.
By the way, the garbage containers in the parks have been removed for the winter. A really bad idea because now there's lots of litter in parks. The city knows it's not ideal. They remove the bins because they can't be accessed once the snow falls - there is not winter maintenance on lots of trails. They should leave at least the bins that border onto a sidewalk but it is probably to difficult to map where bins need pick-up and where not. So they take them all. My husband has picked up garbage in our nearest park a few times, on his way to playgroup with our daugther. Since I have been in contact with the volunteer coordinator of the city of Kitchener I asked for help and the city sponsors us gloves and garbage bags. Not quite as elaborate as in Edmonton where you get one of those spears that help you pick things up off the ground but it's better than nothing. Since we have lots of time, unemployed life it's called, we might as well clean up the park. After all, we take our daugther to parks and playgrounds practically every day and we prefer them tidy.
Talking about going outside. Our daughter loves going outside so much that she will collect her shoes and jacket and stand at the door, clearly indicating to her parents her intentions. Or, that's a new favourite, she goes onto the balcony, probably still hoping that one day a magical door opens in the railing and she can step right onto the ground. Weather does not matter, she wants out in any weather. We don't mind.
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