Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The apparently most dangerous foods

I just quickly have to post this link to the 11 most dangerous foods.

You may notice right away that they are all simple, some may say natural, foods, nothing processed but they are "dangerous". I eat them all the time and nothing has ever happened. But I also don't belong to the kind of people who put foods into the fridge, freezer or cupboards and forget about them for the next weeks or months to come. The conclusion out of this article could almost be: Eat processed foods. Stuff yourselves with junk food. It's safer! - Never mind that you will probably catch some other health issues due to excess fats, salts and sugar. Oh, maybe I should say then, chose your foods depending on which health issues you mind less. It's all up to you now. Not eating at all is an option too, will lead to the quickest death but at least you died healthily. No I am not going crazy, just disliking this rubbish article.

By the way I also don't agree with all the storage tips they give. I have friends who live without a fridge, they just have a cool pantry. But they also built their home themselves. Surely, most of us live in one of the modern standard housing options that keep in all rooms the same temperature which is too high for most foods. (I will write about that shortly) . Comes in the invention of the fridge and if you live in North America they are even twice as spacious as in most European countries.



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