I will need a long time to recover from that devastating election on Monday. Still, I dared to look into the paper today, but only the Metro. The first page is sickening already. It reports on Harper's goals for the next term:
— Ongoing cuts to corporate tax rates.
— Ongoing increases to provincial health-care transfers.
— Many more felons behind bars for longer terms, in more prisons.
— An end to the long-gun registry.
— An end to the per-vote taxpayer subsidy of political parties.
— New laws targeting group refugee arrivals by boat.
— Relaxation of rules for the telecom industry and foreign investment.
Reading those goals I wonder what the average Canadian gets out of them - almost nothing!!, unless you are high in the hierarchy of a corporation that will pay even less taxes and stuff the pockets of its high ranking staff even more so. That's why the rich get richer in Canada, and the poor poorer. And where is the environment??? Harper possibly does not even know how to spell this word.
The Metro also did a survey and asked readers how they spent election night. The results are as follows:
- watching Dancing with the stars: 0%
- cheering: 22%
- crying: 22%
- planning my emigration: 55% - There's an idea!!!, as the cousin of my mother-in-law would say.
Yip, I fall into that last category, too. Thank goodness, I have a German passport, already, still, forever. My husband and I have been considering moving to Ontario but it just got the blues really badly and I'm now more inclined to join the French-Canadians. Well, not really, but we ought to live in a NDP riding. Unfortunately, that's not the only requirement since I'm pretty damn demanding when it comes to living where I ought to be happy (not complaining). House with garden, quiet location, close to childcare, grocery store, my husband's and my workplace, near countryside (preferably in walking distance - In Dunedin (NZ), Nelson (NZ), Edinburgh (UK), Malaga (Spain), Cozumel (Mexico) I could walk or cycle right from the town into the countryside, no vehicle required). Close means within walking/cycling distance or on a convenient bus route - think we can find that in Canada? Let me know where! I don't think we get away without a car but we don't want to depend on it.
Here a little joke my husband told me. Justin Trudeau was asked if he would run for the leadership of the Liberal party. He replied he did not know if a cute leader would make a difference. My opinion: Yes, it does. Why would so many women otherwise vote for Layton. Not that he's cute (he's too old to be cute) but he was by far the best looking candidate. Surely, Trudeau would certainly bring a few more votes for the Liberals, no matter the policies (which obviously didn't matter to 40% of Canadians who voted) and kick Harper's visage off the front pages.
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