Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Europe and the descendants of cloned animals

I am terribly disappointed to read this but apparently the European Parliament was not able to ban meat & dairy from descendants from cloned animals. It did not even achieve mandatory labelling for these products. So the European consumers can not tell when they happen to buy meat or dairy products from descendants of cloned animals! Germany was one of the countries against these regulations - booo, booo, booo!   

Cloning is allowed in the European Union but the trading of meat & dairy from cloned animals is not. There is no food production whatsoever from cloned animals in the EU. The reason why regulations for products from descendants of cloned animals failed is that some European countries anticipated another trade dispute with the USA. But the EU uses bull sperm from the USA and Latin America for raising animals whose products end up on supermarket shelves. Cloning and food products from cloned animals are allowed in the US.
Needless to mention I am against cloning. Nature has survived for millions of years through evolution and now comes along the human species and thinks they can mess around and reproduce their own chosen super-animals. And it will not stop there. I'm sure the clone person will come with all its consequences. Oh no. Time to send some crazy scientists to the moon.   


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