Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pharmaceuticals, doctors and water

I mentioned before that pharmaceuticals can be found in treated waste water and cause havoc in nature. In fact, a recent article in the Epoch Times lists which type of pharmaceuticals (anti-depressants, antibiotics etc.) are dominant in certain US cities. Near animal feed lots concentration of growth hormones are way higher than in other water sources. The article also mentions the affected creatures such as fish, frogs, shrimp and how the pharmaceutical traces in the water change their behaviour or sexual organs. If it happens to them who says it will not happen to us? My husband told me today that the radio station he listens to asked why in recent years more girls are born than boys, even though boys have been the majority for a long time. How about BPA (bisphenol A, a toxin similar to oestrogen) and leftovers of the anti-baby-pill? They are in the water, no doubt. 
Obviously, there is enough reason not to tell the public about all that because you don't want to scare them about such simple things as drinking tap water. One major reason must be the pharma-industry that is keen on selling their products, which brings me to a different article on the same page. It states that aggressive marketing should make one very suspicious about a drug. But let's face it, doctors are only human beings too and just as susceptible to marketing as everyone else and it can be hard to say no. So doctors might happily prescribe a drug that is not very effective, is not approved because there has not been enough testing, not on the right test group anyway, is not as safe as the producer claims, but is marketed very well. In addition, the pharma-industry comes up with medication for conditions that do not even exist and did not used to be considered an illness, such as pre-diabetes or pre-hypertension. Voila, more and more pharmaceuticals make their way into our bodies, some of them needless and useless, get flushed out and cause further damage in fish, animals and us again as the water does its cycle and eventually comes through our tap again. 
I know we can't tell everybody to get off their medications but those who take them should question their purpose and usefulness and look into alternatives.                                  

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